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Occupational Personality Questionnaire

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Occupational Personality Questionnaire

Provide behavioural examples which are often sought based on your profile. Being honest will provide a truer picture of you, and you will therefore be able to respond with genuine examples, easily. This will help you find the job that you will best match your personality and progress faster in your professional career.

The Social Desirability scale appears only on the OPQ32n and it examines whether someone has responded in a socially desirable way to the questionnaire. A high socially desirable result may appear if an individual has tried to portray themselves in a more desirable way to an employer, however this is not always the case.

The Consistency scale appears only on the OPQ32i and OPQ32r (most used by employers), and it examines how consistently you have responded to the questions presented in the OPQ. A low result on this suggests there has been a lack of consistency in the way the questionnaire has been answered, so the OPQ cannot confidently establish your preferences. This may indicate that you did not understand the questions correctly at all, or that you are trying to distort the questionnaire.

Important: In instances where you report to have a high social desirability or a low consistency result, your assessor / feedback provider is likely to explore this with you. One way they may do this is by seeking behavioural examples to verify your preferences in the area. This is because they will be looking to understand your personality preferences in areas that are important for the role that you are applying for.

By including personality as well as traditional ability measures, employers are better positioned to hire the candidate who can do the job, but also someone who can fit into the team and the broader work culture. This combined leads to increased job satisfaction and engagement, creating a higher morale, reduced turnover, and cost savings in the long term.

Business psychologists have kindly helped us produce this free personality questionnaire. It is based on the classic 'five-factor' model: the most popular system of classifying personality traits and as used by employers in their selection processes.

Personality questionnaires have become a commonly used recruitment tool, and candidates may come across them at both the early stages and the late stages of the recruitment process. Research has shown that personality tests are highly robust predictors of job performance, and are used for both selection and development as a result. Candidates will be likely to encounter personality questionnaires in all industries and all sectors, however candidates are most likely to undertake these tests in graduate schemes and recruitment for larger companies with high recruitment volumes. These tests may be online and unsupervised, they may be online and supervised and they may be pencil and paper tests at an assessment centre.

A personality questionnaire is used for recruitment to highlight personality traits and competencies which are valued in the workplace. Personality questionnaires are in multiple choice format, and will not have a time limit, allowing candidates to decide on their responses in their own time. An example personality/competency question would be "I like to identify new business opportunities" or "I am likely to made decisions based on facts and figures alone", requiring the candidate to rate on a given scale (often 1-7) how much they agree or disagree with the statement.

Personality tests in general are based on a small number of broad personality traits, such as the big 5 model of personality (openness, agreeableness, extrovertism, neuroticism and conscientiousness). Personality questionnaires used for recruitment will follow a similar format, assessing for a small number of broad traits, and subsequently breaking down each broad trait into separate sections and individual competencies.

As with all recruitment tools, recruiters in the assessment stage of r


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